ルールブック |
※日本スピードボール協会競技規則(日本語ver)は準備中です。しばらくお待ちください。 |
General: |
The International Speedball Federation (FISB) is the governing body of the game of Speedball and its duties and responsibilities include determination of the Rules of Speedball.
- To assist the FISB in carrying out this responsibility, the FISB has appointed a Rules of Speedball Committee which continually monitors the game and its rules, and makes recommendations for changes either on a permanent basis or for a limited trial period to the Board of Directors of the FISB who in turn make recommendations to the Annual General Meeting of the FISB which is the ultimate authority for making any changes to the Rules of Speedball.
- Speedball game consists of four main types of playing:
- Super Solo play
- Solo Relay play
- Singles play
- Doubles play
- Any Speedball type of playing must be played using the FISB official standards of the following:
- The Racket.
- The Ball.
- The Stand.
- The Court.
1 - The Racket: |
- A regulation racket authorized by International Federation of Speedball (FISB) must be used.
- The racket is made of rigid plastic. The hitting surface is flat and perforated.
- The racket should not measure over 40.5 cm in length and 24.5 cm in width.
- The face should not measure over 26.0 cm in length and 24.0 cm in width. The racket should not have any damaged part at the top of both sides.
2 - The Ball: |
- A regulation ball authorized by International Federation of Speedball (FISB) must be used.
- The ball is hollow, elliptical in shape and made of rubber.
- It should be 65 mm ± 2 mm in diameter and be 40 grams (+/_2gm) in weight without the nylon thread.
- It is fixed to one end of a cord 2mm (+/- 0.2mm) thick and 1.50 m long (150cm).
- The other end of the cord is attached to a ring, which is set at the spool on the top of the pole.
3 - The Stand: |
The distance between the highest point of the assembled apparatus from the ground (base, pole and pulley) is 175 cm. (+/- 2cm).
A. The Pole:
- metallic pole with 1.7 m high and diameter of 3cm (+/- 0.5cm)
B. The pulley (spool):
- Made of metal or plastic
- Measures 5 cm (+/- 0.5cm) length.
- Diameter of 3.5 cm at its wide head and base.
- Length of narrow shaft: 2.5 cm.
- Diameter of 1.4 (+/_ 0.2cm) at its narrow shaft
C. The Base:
- Made of metal and cement or pure metal.
- The pole must be fixed to a disc-shaped base or similar weighted base that weighs no less than 50 kilograms.
- The base should be 60 cm diameter and its height should be related to the pole so as the total height of the assembled apparatus (base, pulley and base) should be 175(+/- 2cm)cm from the ground.
4 - The Court: |
- The super solo and the solo relay court should not be less than 4x4 meters.
- The court for the single matches should be at least 6x6 meters divided by a neutral zone of 60 cm width.
- The court for the doubles should be at least 6x8 meters divided by a neutral zone of 60 cm width.
5 - Types of competitions: |
A. The Super solo:
- In this type of competition the player hits the ball to turn around the pole and hit it back again and so on for a fixed time.
- The referee will count his hits per that time.
- Competitions are for both girls (ladies) and boys (men) separately, each compete in the junior's levels (under 8,10,12,14 and sixteen of age) and the open level (all ages).
- In the open level the players play for one minute in each of the four positions with thirty seconds rest interval in between.
- In the juniors competitions each player has to play for thirty seconds in each of the following four positions (with thirty seconds rest interval in between):
- Right hand play: the player holds the racket with his right hand and hits the ball with one face of his racket to rotate around the pole then hits it back with the other face of his racket and so on.
- Left hand play: as in (a) but the player holds the racket with his left hand.
- Two hands forehand: The player holds two rackets one in each hand and hits the ball with the forehand face of his racket in one hand and receives the ball by hitting it again by the forehand face of the racket in his other hand and so on.
- Two hands backhand: as in (c) but the player hits the ball by the backhand face of one racket and hits it back by the backhand face of the racket in the other hand and so on.
- Ten seconds before the start of each type of play the players are notified, then five seconds later they are notified again (five seconds before the start).
- The count starts with the start signal (usually a whistle).
- The count ends by the end signal (same as the start signal).
- All correct hits are counted starting from the start signal to the end signal.
- It is not allowed to support the hand hitting the ball (or the racket) by the other hand. If a player supports the playing hand this is considered a wrong hit.
- Any hit before the start signal should be considered a wrong hit.
- The referee should not count all wrong hits.
- If a player starts before the start signal two hits are subtracted from the total number of correct hits, as a penalty, (so his score will be: his total hits - his wrong hits - two).
- if the ball or cord gets cut:
- The referee should determine if the cut was caused by player action (cut nylon thread ) or by a manufacturing defect (torn ball, broken plastic ring or the intact thread came out of the ball). If caused by a player, the referee calls Fault (count one ball of his three balls) on the player. If caused by a manufacturing defect the referee calls let (he does not count this ball as one of his remaining balls).
- The player has to change the ball by the help of the referee, and is allowed to decide, whether he will keep the score of this position (hence he will shift to a new position) or he will replay it again with the start of the next position.
- If the player who has decided to replay this position achieves a count less than the count he reached before cutting the ball, he will get the last count he played as this was his decision (even if it is less than the previous count).
- Each player has the right for two extra balls other than the ball attached to the pulley on the pole (total three balls without counting the balls which get cut caused by a manufacturing defect).
- If he cuts the three balls before finishing his four positions, he will keep his score of the hits counted for him before cutting the third ball.
- The ball should be changed rapidly by the referee once it is cut as the only chance for the player to resume his count again is to start with the following start signal for the next position, and if he misses this start signal he still has to start as soon as he becomes ready and the referee will start counting for him then till the end signal.
B. The Solo relay:
- Each team is composed of four players, two girls and two boys (Mixed relay team) however this type of competition can extend to include also the men's relay (the team is composed of four men) and the ladies' relay (four ladies).
- Each player will play one different type of play (position) for thirty second. The players play in succession each starting on hearing the signal after each thirty seconds.
- Each player except the first one will start by hitting the ball while it is turning and so on till all the four players play their four positions.
- In the mixed relay the team should start by a lady followed by a man then the second lady followed by the second man.
- The first player of each team should start from a fixed predetermined point (marked on the ground), then he is allowed to move (in both directions) while playing, in half a circle centered by the starting point, this to give a space for his successor to start from the starting point.
- The other three players of each team should stand in order in a queue behind the starting point.
- Each team has two balls only for the four players to complete their four positions. So if a player cuts the cord of the ball the team has to repeat the count from the start with the second ball. This is done after the count of the rest of the teams is finished. If the second ball is also cut the team stops playing and the highest score of the two trials is registered to the team.
C. The Singles:
- In this type of competitions two players play against each other, each hitting the ball in one direction while his opponent hits it in the opposite direction.
- The two players stand opposite each other, each player in one half of the court (each half is separated from the other by the neutral zone which is 60cm wide).
- The same age categories are applied as in the Super solo.
- Determining the server and the side of the court for each player: This is determined by a toss, the toss winner may choose either to serve or to receive, and his opponent then chooses the side of the court to start with.
However if the winner of the toss chooses the court side, his opponent will choose to serve or to receive (i.e. every player will be entitled one advantage either to choose the serve or the courtside).
- The two players will exchange the service after each point. The service should be played in the clockwise direction and can be played by the right hand (forehand) or the left hand (backhand).
- The winner of the game is the player, who gets ten points first. No extra points are added in case of equality (9/9).
- The matches of all competitions except for the men's final are of the best of three matches (the winner should get two games before his opponent),the men's final is of best of five (this may be applied to other categories later if needed and announced in advance by the FISB).
- At the start of the next game (not the tie break games) the server will be the player who received at the beginning of the previous game.
- At the start of the tie break games a new toss is done as before to determine the server and the receiver and the sides of the court.
- Only in the tie break games the players change the sides of the court every five points.
- The server should play the service while fixing one foot on the service mark.
- The server should play the service in a horizontal level (only a 10 degrees sloping angle is allowed).
- The server should play the service without causing excessive turbulence (vibration) in the cord.
- The server should not shake the base of the apparatus.
- The server should play the service after the referee called play within 5 seconds.
- The receiver should return the service after it passed his playing area once. Afterwards, both players may hit back the ball immediately after the opponent hits the ball (volley), or they hit it after it makes one full turn.
- A player wins a point if he succeeds in making the ball turn two full turns starting from the service mark of his court without his opponent being able to hit it back.
- A player loses a point when he deliberately interferes with his opponent returning the ball, when interference is made unintentionally, the point shall be replayed.
- A let shall be called if, for reasons beyond the control of the player, a play is interrupted except for the cases prescribed under last Rule.
- A player looses the point if he deliberately hits the ball in a way that leads to excessive turbulence in the cord even if the ball is still turning around the pole in the correct direction. If the referee judges that this turbulence was not intended by the player it is a let and the point is repeated.
- The rest after each game is 1 minute.
- Each player or coach may request a 30-second Time Out once each game.
- During the match, if the ball or cord gets cut, the court referee determines if the cut was caused by player action or by a manufacturing defect. If caused by a player, the court referee calls Fault on the player who hit the ball. If caused by a manufacturing defect the court referee calls Let.
- Wrong Service:
- A player plays the service without fixing one foot on the service mark.
- The service was not in a horizontal level (or if the cord shows much turbulence).
- The service was played in a way that caused the base to shake (Shaken base).
- The server waits more than 5 seconds after referee called play.
- The server looses the point if he performs any two of the above (two wrong services).
- A player looses a point if:
- If he hits the ball with any part of his body apart of the hand holding the racket up to the wrist.
- If he touches the pole with any part of his body.
- If the racket falls on the ground.
- If he hits the ball in an opposite direction.
- If he touches the neutral zone with one of his feet, racket or any part of his body.
- If he hits the ball so that it touches the pole before completing two turns in front of his opponent starting from his service mark.
- If he makes the cord turns a complete turn around the pole before having the ball made two complete turns as described above.
- If he cuts the ball or the cord or brakes the plastic ring (braking the continuity of the ball).
- If he hits the ball two successive times.
- If he hits the cord without touching the ball with it.
- If the ball hangs for an instant to the racket or its handle.
- If he prevents his opponent of hitting the ball by deliberately obstructing his way.
- The point is repeated if there is a cause that disturbs the game (like a ball thrown fromoutside).
- In case a player shakes the base (shaken base) during the game, the point is repeated.
- If a player is injured, he is entitled a 5minutes rest, during which he may be treated, if he cannot resume playing the match after the 5minutes period or if the condition is repeated again in the match he is disqualified and looses the match.
D. The Doubles:
- In this type of competitions four players play against each other in two teams, each team is composed of two players, this can be two men (men's doubles), two ladies (ladies' doubles) or one lady and a man (mixed doubles).
- Each team should remain in his side of the court during each game.
- The serving team is determined by a toss, the winner chooses to serve or to receive, and the other team will choose the side of the court, or the reverse is followed (i.e. if the toss winner chooses the side of the court then the other team may choose to serve or to receive).
- The four players will keep the order of serving and receiving all through the same game.
- If the first team is A-B and the second team is C-D So if the sever was player A and the receiver was player C then the next point player C will serve and player B will receive ,then B will serve and D will receive ,and so on.
- After serving by player A for example C will receive, then each player will hit the ball in his turn (i.e.: A then C then B then D),like table tennis and not free like tennis.
- The next game the team who received the first game will serve this game, and it is allowed for the receiving team to change the order of the previous game, so if C will serve, now either A or B can receive and then the order of players is fixed throughout this game.
- If a tie break game is to be played, a new toss is made as before and the wining team will choose either to serve or to receive, then in this tie break game only the receiving team is free to choose any player to return the service (i.e.; free receiving all through the last game).
- Either to serve or to receive, then in this tie break game only the receiving team is free to choose any player to return the service (i.e.; free receiving all through the last game).
- The receiving player should inform the referee and his opponents that he is the one who is going to return the service only in the first point in the first and second games by raising the hand holding the racket.
- The receiving player should inform the referee and his opponents that he is the one who is going to return the service every point in the tie break games by raising the hand holding the racket.
- The player has the right to ask the referee who is going to serve or who is going to receive before playing the point.
- As in the singles in the tie break games the players change the court sides every 5 points.
- Each Team Captain or coach may request a 30-second Time Out once each game.
- The rest after each game is 1 minute.
- During the match, if the ball or cord gets cut, the court referee determines if the cut was caused by player action or by a manufacturing defect (as in the supersolo). If caused by a player, the court referee calls Fault on the team who hit the ball. If caused by a manufacturing defect the court referee calls let.
- If a partner serves or receives out of turn the referee should call a point on the team who was made out of turn, then the original order of service shall be restored.
- If the referee starts the next points without noticing the out of turn he should return to the original order of service when he notices the out of turn without changing the score.
- If one player is injured, he is entitled a 5minutes rest, during which he may be treated, if he cannot resume playing the match after the 5minutes period or if the condition is repeated again in the match he is disqualified and his team looses the match. This is true for both players of the same team, meaning that if the second player is injured too he is entitled the 5minutes rest as his partner.
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